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Enterprise Solutions: Technical GIS Support, a GIS Strategic Plan, and Grant Application for CARES Funding

With a large network of sites, STOF needed to prioritize the performance, stability, and security of their GIS and data. STOF partnered with Geographic Technologies Group, one of the leading GIS consulting firms in North America to provide many GIS related services.

By |April 29th, 2020|Consulting, GIS Services|Comments Off on Enterprise Solutions: Technical GIS Support, a GIS Strategic Plan, and Grant Application for CARES Funding
  • fire fighter wild fire GIS

SafeCityGIS: California Improves GIS Data for Optimal Emergency Response

Beginning in 2019, CAL FIRE partnered with Geographic Technologies Group (GTG) for a "GIS Mapping Refresh" — an ambitious project that set out to improve the quality of CAL FIRE'S critical GIS data with the ultimate goal of enhancing emergency response and public safety.

By |April 16th, 2020|GIS Software, GIS Services, Public Safety|Comments Off on SafeCityGIS: California Improves GIS Data for Optimal Emergency Response

SmartCityGIS: Growing a Smart City with the Deployment of Esri’s ArcGIS Enterprise

While recognizing past accomplishments, Lawrenceville readily embraces the future. Among current initiatives is the implementation of a strong GIS to sustain operations and increase efficiencies throughout all city departments, effectively creating a cohesive Smart City.

By |March 16th, 2020|GIS Software, Consulting, GIS Services|Comments Off on SmartCityGIS: Growing a Smart City with the Deployment of Esri’s ArcGIS Enterprise
  • Vancouver, WA

GIS Strategic Planning: Vancouver – The Geospatial Gateway to the State of Washington

City leaders decided that they needed a written plan to define a common and unified vision and to establish a framework for City departments to efficiently and effectively use and improve the use of GIS technology.

By |February 20th, 2020|Consulting, GIS Services, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on GIS Strategic Planning: Vancouver – The Geospatial Gateway to the State of Washington
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