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GIS Services: GTG Elevates the City of Tulare’s Housing Initiatives

Following the successful completion of a GIS Strategic Plan by Geographic Technologies Group (GTG), Tulare took steps to implement key recommendations outlined in the plan. One such initiative involved leveraging a State of California SB 2 Planning Grant, which is designed to help cities accelerate housing production and streamline the approval process for affordable housing development.

By |January 9th, 2025|GIS for Housing, GIS Training, GIS Software, Consulting, GIS Services, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on GIS Services: GTG Elevates the City of Tulare’s Housing Initiatives

GIS Services: GTG Drives Affordable Housing Solutions for Wake County

Wake County engaged Geographic Technologies Group (GTG) to conduct a Housing Affordability and Community Revitalization (HACR) Needs Assessment and provide technical consulting. This initiative stemmed from recommendations made in GTG's 2022 county-wide GIS Strategic Plan, which outlined a roadmap for enhancing GIS operations.

By |January 9th, 2025|GIS for Housing, GIS Training, GIS Software, Consulting, GIS Services, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on GIS Services: GTG Drives Affordable Housing Solutions for Wake County

GIS Services: Port of Houston, TX – GIS Initiatives to Manage the Future

Port of Houston, TX, sought expertise to develop a vision and strategy for advancing its geospatial technology, particularly for asset management. After a competitive RFP, the Port selected GHD and GHD’s partner GTG to create a plan for Asset Management and Geospatial technologies.  

By |December 28th, 2024|GIS for Ports, GIS Training, GIS Software, Consulting, GIS Services, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on GIS Services: Port of Houston, TX – GIS Initiatives to Manage the Future
  • Tulare, CA road GIS Master Plan

GISPlan: Building a Foundation for GIS Expansion with Strategic Planning in Central California

The information laid out in their GIS Strategic Master Plan details how the City of Tulare, CA can take steps toward building a foundation to expand its Geographic Information Systems to improve City operations.

By |September 18th, 2020|GIS Software, Consulting, GIS Services, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on GISPlan: Building a Foundation for GIS Expansion with Strategic Planning in Central California

UtilityCityGIS: GIS Consulting and Server Migration Support for Englewood Water District

Englewood Water Authority has an ongoing relationship with GTG. Our GIS experts act as their consulting team for all GIS needs and as support for both Esri and GTG software products. Whenever a new GIS project is initiated, GTG helps the Englewood team bring it to fruition.

By |July 15th, 2020|GIS Services, Public Utilities, Support|Comments Off on UtilityCityGIS: GIS Consulting and Server Migration Support for Englewood Water District
  • Berkeley Mobile GIS Technology California

Enterprise Solutions: The City of Berkeley Actively Combats Operational Inefficiencies with Mobile GIS Technology

In 2017, Berkeley with assistance from GTG developed and implemented a GIS Strategic Plan. The following year, the City again engaged with GTG to develop a Mobile GIS Action Plan as a follow up to key findings in their GIS Strategic Plan.

By |May 5th, 2020|GIS Software, GIS Services, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Enterprise Solutions: The City of Berkeley Actively Combats Operational Inefficiencies with Mobile GIS Technology
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