Enterprise Solutions: Enterprise GIS Design
As organizations continue to see the value-proposition, analytical potential, and rich insights that GIS and GIS operations provide, enterprise GIS has rapidly become a major player in the GIS ecosystem.
As organizations continue to see the value-proposition, analytical potential, and rich insights that GIS and GIS operations provide, enterprise GIS has rapidly become a major player in the GIS ecosystem.
To assist with this evaluation and work-plan evaluation, Gwinnett County contracted with Geographic Technologies Group (GTG) to perform an addressing assessment and recommendations document.
This system was to be utilized to its full extent as a foundation for decision-making and strategic planning regarding the development and management of the daily operations of the City’s EOC.
The City of Lloydminster provides a diverse set of services and has been using mapping technology for over a decade. However, the City understood that mapping is not the same as GIS. In 2019, the City issued an RFP for a GIS Strategic Plan.
City officials recognized the value of creating a fiber-optic infrastructure, as it not only supports economic development but also aids in long-term sustainability and Rancho Cucamonga’s future planning initiatives.
In 2006, The District was aware of the potential ROI that a more robust GIS would provide and created a GIS Master Plan to begin putting GIS to work for The District. To assist The District with strategically aligning the GIS program with current District needs and goals, Geographic Technologies Group (GTG) was retained to provide a successful, detailed, innovative and sustainable five-year Enterprise GIS Master Plan for the District.
The City of Mississauga has allocated a large number of resources to the economic development projects with the goal of expanding the successes related to existing industries and infrastructure. The City sought the support of GTG to plan and implement a three-pronged approach to GIS implementation for economic development.
The five-year GIS plan is detailed and serves to enable the City to align GIS efforts with Council goals and ensure that the very best data and geospatial services are available to staff and residents.
Of their 14 square miles, The City of South Portland maintains over 350 acres of parks, recreational facilities, trails, and coastline. As part of their initiative to elevate their Parks and Recreation operations, the city decided to employ GIS services and reached out to GTG.
The Public Works Agency of Qatar, Ashghal, is a long-time user of GIS technology. Ashghal is responsible for the construction and maintenance of local parks, roads, and drainage systems, along with highways and public buildings such as mosques, schools, hospitals, and health centers for the entire country of Qatar.