
Enterprise Solutions: Interns and GTG staff create GIS-enabled mobile app for Bald Head Association

Bald Head’s largest homeowner’s association, BHA, sought help in creating a mobile-compatible public-facing web map that leveraged the power of geographic information system (GIS) technologies to provide residents, property owner’s and visitors with essential information about the community and the environment.

By |September 17th, 2018|Parks and Recreation, GIS Software, Esri, GIS Services|Comments Off on Enterprise Solutions: Interns and GTG staff create GIS-enabled mobile app for Bald Head Association
  • Canadian Flag to represent the City of Guelph in Canada

GreenCityGIS: Canadian City Uses GIS for Parks and Rec

GTG partnered with Guelph to implement a Parks and Recreation geographic management and analysis system-known as GreenCityGIS. This was initiated through a multi-phase database design that ensured feedback from Guelph staff and resulted in a database that captured all of the unique park features and desired attribution within the GIS framework.

By |July 13th, 2016|Esri, GIS Software, Consulting, GIS Services, Parks and Recreation|Comments Off on GreenCityGIS: Canadian City Uses GIS for Parks and Rec
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