
GIS Strategic Planning: City of Missouri City, Texas Police Department GIS Integration

The Missouri City Police Department welcomes the integration of advanced crime analysis tools for the city’s geographic information system (GIS) courtesy of a strategic planning initiative set in motion by the city back in 2016.

By |September 21st, 2018|Public Safety, GIS Software, Emergency Operations Center, Esri, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on GIS Strategic Planning: City of Missouri City, Texas Police Department GIS Integration

Enterprise Solutions: Interns and GTG staff create GIS-enabled mobile app for Bald Head Association

Bald Head’s largest homeowner’s association, BHA, sought help in creating a mobile-compatible public-facing web map that leveraged the power of geographic information system (GIS) technologies to provide residents, property owner’s and visitors with essential information about the community and the environment.

By |September 17th, 2018|Parks and Recreation, GIS Software, Esri, GIS Services|Comments Off on Enterprise Solutions: Interns and GTG staff create GIS-enabled mobile app for Bald Head Association
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